Correlation in the Crypto Market

What is this post about?

I’m currently listening to the Life and Work Principles by Ray Dalio - the famous Bridgewater hedge fund manager & founder. In it he briefly touches upon the successes of his investment strategies, out of which one was focused on investing into uncorrelated stocks. This got me thinking about the generally high correlation in the cryptocurrency market, so I decided to see if there are any tokens that behave differently from the rest. Hence, here we are and below I quickly recap the code, the findings and the takeaways from this little intelectual exercise.

Tools and the Game Plan

To get the historical cryptocurrency data I make use of the freely accesible CoinGecko API and its Python3 wrapper. The game plan is to look at cryptocurrencies that have been traded for at least 3 years, and construct a portfolio consisting of uncorrelated tokens. Apart from the CoinGecko API, I use the pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn and the datetime packages. The code is quite heavily commented so hopefully the interested reader can comprehend all the steps just by reading through it.

# Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb
import datetime as dt

# CoingGecko API
from pycoingecko import CoinGeckoAPI
cg = CoinGeckoAPI()
# Current data for top 500 coins by Market Cap - 100 coins per page
coins = pd.DataFrame(cg.get_coins_markets(vs_currency = 'usd'))
for page in range(2,6):
    coins = pd.concat([coins, pd.DataFrame(cg.get_coins_markets(vs_currency = 'usd', page = page))])

coins = coins.reset_index(drop = True)
id symbol name image current_price market_cap market_cap_rank fully_diluted_valuation total_volume high_24h ... total_supply max_supply ath ath_change_percentage ath_date atl atl_change_percentage atl_date roi last_updated
0 bitcoin btc Bitcoin 37978.000000 723476227588 1 7.984846e+11 2.291839e+10 38747.000000 ... 2.100000e+07 2.100000e+07 69045.000000 -44.91950 2021-11-10T14:24:11.849Z 67.810000 55984.30690 2013-07-06T00:00:00.000Z None 2022-05-01T07:56:55.013Z
1 ethereum eth Ethereum 2773.960000 334692571096 2 NaN 1.430243e+10 2838.580000 ... NaN NaN 4878.260000 -43.05475 2021-11-10T14:24:19.604Z 0.432979 641487.36811 2015-10-20T00:00:00.000Z {'times': 96.5436231164556, 'currency': 'btc',... 2022-05-01T07:55:34.686Z
2 tether usdt Tether 1.000000 83223328899 3 NaN 5.450827e+10 1.008000 ... 8.315288e+10 NaN 1.320000 -24.33295 2018-07-24T00:00:00.000Z 0.572521 74.86646 2015-03-02T00:00:00.000Z None 2022-05-01T07:56:39.281Z
3 binancecoin bnb BNB 383.420000 64449760501 4 6.444976e+10 1.641067e+09 399.140000 ... 1.681370e+08 1.681370e+08 686.310000 -44.11107 2021-05-10T07:24:17.097Z 0.039818 963213.88135 2017-10-19T00:00:00.000Z None 2022-05-01T07:55:51.903Z
4 usd-coin usdc USD Coin 0.997881 49148736774 5 NaN 4.843504e+09 1.008000 ... 4.925730e+10 NaN 1.170000 -14.83687 2019-05-08T00:40:28.300Z 0.891848 11.98245 2021-05-19T13:14:05.611Z None 2022-05-01T07:56:16.585Z

500 rows × 26 columns

# Keeping only coins with 3+ year history on the market
from datetime import datetime, timezone
jan19 = datetime.strptime('2019-01-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')    # 1st Jan 2019
jan19 = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).isoformat()                      # formatting like in the API

coins["atl_date"] = pd.to_datetime(coins["atl_date"])                    # changing type to datetime
coins = coins.loc[coins["atl_date"] < jan19]                             # keeping only coins older than 3 years
coins = coins.reset_index(drop = True)
id symbol name image current_price market_cap market_cap_rank fully_diluted_valuation total_volume high_24h ... total_supply max_supply ath ath_change_percentage ath_date atl atl_change_percentage atl_date roi last_updated
0 bitcoin btc Bitcoin 38357.000000 730178553834 1 8.059056e+11 2.004939e+10 38801.000000 ... 2.100000e+07 2.100000e+07 69045.000000 -44.45523 2021-11-10T14:24:11.849Z 67.810000 56457.03434 2013-07-06 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:13:40.062Z
1 ethereum eth Ethereum 2793.330000 336986058000 2 NaN 1.253951e+10 2841.350000 ... NaN NaN 4878.260000 -42.75991 2021-11-10T14:24:19.604Z 0.432979 644809.25105 2015-10-20 00:00:00+00:00 {'times': 96.33730439594328, 'currency': 'btc'... 2022-04-30T18:12:48.747Z
2 tether usdt Tether 1.001000 83254158899 3 NaN 4.428167e+10 1.002000 ... 8.315288e+10 NaN 1.320000 -24.30444 2018-07-24T00:00:00.000Z 0.572521 74.93234 2015-03-02 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:12:11.563Z
3 binancecoin bnb BNB 390.840000 65826723112 4 6.582672e+10 1.150386e+09 399.800000 ... 1.681370e+08 1.681370e+08 686.310000 -43.06657 2021-05-10T07:24:17.097Z 0.039818 981217.09381 2017-10-19 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:14:11.273Z
4 ripple xrp XRP 0.610433 29353852829 7 6.102008e+10 2.304907e+09 0.628349 ... 1.000000e+11 1.000000e+11 3.400000 -82.13775 2018-01-07T00:00:00.000Z 0.002686 22498.40152 2014-05-22 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:13:46.614Z
5 dogecoin doge Dogecoin 0.131988 17501590218 12 NaN 8.279380e+08 0.137505 ... NaN NaN 0.731578 -81.97014 2021-05-08T05:08:23.458Z 0.000087 151679.95328 2015-05-06 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:13:24.449Z
6 litecoin ltc Litecoin 99.170000 6971161593 22 8.343390e+09 5.248294e+08 101.510000 ... 8.400000e+07 8.400000e+07 410.260000 -75.78326 2021-05-10T03:13:07.904Z 1.150000 8547.97098 2015-01-14 00:00:00+00:00 None 2022-04-30T18:14:31.331Z
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

48 rows × 26 columns

In the next step I first create the price_history dataframe using the historical prices of bitcoin after which I itterativelly populate it with new columns corresponding to all the other coins. I use the time index returned by the API to match the correct rows and set all other rows to NaN.

# Historical Price Data for up to 2000 days before 30/04/2022
coin_ids = coins['id']
bitcoin = cg.get_coin_market_chart_by_id(id = 'bitcoin', days = '2000', vs_currency = 'usd')["prices"]
price_history = pd.DataFrame(bitcoin, columns = ["index", "bitcoin"])

for coin_id in coin_ids[1:]:
    coin = cg.get_coin_market_chart_by_id(id = coin_id, days = '2000', vs_currency = 'usd')["prices"]
    coin = pd.DataFrame(coin, columns = ["index", coin_id])
    price_history = price_history.join(coin.set_index("index"), on = "index")
index bitcoin ethereum tether binancecoin ripple dogecoin litecoin tron bitcoin-cash ... steem numeraire verge ark asd aragon stratis maidsafecoin iexec-rlc augur
0 1478563200000 708.940000 10.890106 1.000000 NaN 0.008239 0.000228 3.838584 NaN NaN ... 0.133704 NaN 0.000021 NaN NaN NaN 0.069805 0.079964 NaN 4.790000
1 1478649600000 721.177500 10.664918 1.000000 NaN 0.008087 0.000229 3.849884 NaN NaN ... 0.148576 NaN 0.000022 NaN NaN NaN 0.064342 0.077728 NaN 4.450000
2 1478736000000 713.214143 10.519281 0.999997 NaN 0.008137 0.000230 3.812256 NaN NaN ... 0.153180 NaN 0.000021 NaN NaN NaN 0.069549 0.076865 NaN 4.900000
3 1478822400000 715.642500 10.293087 1.000000 NaN 0.008062 0.000226 3.817239 NaN NaN ... 0.127085 NaN 0.000021 NaN NaN NaN 0.087305 0.076074 NaN 4.840000
4 1478908800000 703.760000 9.664325 1.000000 NaN 0.008047 0.000223 3.754012 NaN NaN ... 0.122182 NaN 0.000021 NaN NaN NaN 0.086133 0.076165 NaN 4.850000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1996 1651017600000 38134.215451 2806.748836 1.000501 385.027613 0.642326 0.138032 98.472060 0.061942 296.100585 ... 0.439145 25.476484 0.009321 0.922246 0.198598 3.725051 0.984225 0.276582 1.736587 12.812804
1997 1651104000000 39237.949317 2889.592223 0.999849 391.285543 0.652835 0.140246 100.514884 0.063180 307.473039 ... 0.546993 25.110015 0.009547 0.943347 0.198518 3.859121 1.013390 0.283103 1.784559 13.165825
1998 1651190400000 39741.766646 2932.455084 0.999654 406.326688 0.644127 0.137214 103.105912 0.063653 306.538849 ... 0.477371 25.115812 0.009321 0.948837 0.191595 3.848096 1.004725 0.289798 1.780006 13.394428
1999 1651276800000 38650.550138 2817.489882 1.001222 392.964375 0.612456 0.135080 100.369428 0.063630 294.633053 ... 0.478391 23.651649 0.008742 0.906787 0.185225 3.609127 0.975365 0.278096 1.644444 12.885204
2000 1651342678000 38326.115966 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

2001 rows × 49 columns

# Removing stable coins
stable_coins = (price_history.mean() < 1.02) & (price_history.mean() > 0.98)
price_history = price_history.loc[:, ~stable_coins.values]

Finally we get to see what we were after. Below the correlation matrix reveals that there indeed are some tokens that seem to behave quite differently from the rest. The white(-er) squares correspond to pairs of cryptocurrencies that are highly uncorrelated, thus useful for diversification of one’s crypto portfolio. To further find the actual pairs, in the next code chunk I re-format the correlation matrix into a so-called long format and only look at the pairs of coins that have correlation of less than 0.05 in absolute value.

# Correlation matrix
corr = price_history.iloc[1:, 1:].corr()       # ignore the API's time index column (and row)
sb.heatmap(corr, cmap = 'PuOr', center = 0, annot = False, yticklabels = False, xticklabels = False)


# Create a long format correlation table
corr_long = corr.reset_index().melt(id_vars="index")                                     # transform to long format
corr_long = corr_long.loc[(corr_long["value"] != 1.0).values].reset_index(drop = True)   # drop self-correlations
corr_long["abs_val"] = np.abs(corr_long["value"])                                        # create absolute value column
corr_long = corr_long.sort_values("abs_val")                                             # sort by absolute value
corr_long = corr_long.iloc[::2]                                                          # drop duplicates
corr_long.loc[corr_long["abs_val"] < 0.05]                                               # display uncorrelated tokens
coin1 coin2 correlation abs_val
2037 decentraland augur 0.001086 0.001086
920 dash enjincoin 0.001412 0.001412
1092 decentraland nem 0.002478 0.002478
630 bitcoin eos 0.002628 0.002628
1229 eos rocket-pool 0.003400 0.003400
367 bitcoin-cash chainlink 0.004519 0.004519
80 steem ethereum 0.012647 0.012647
398 ark chainlink 0.014588 0.014588
1910 enjincoin stratis -0.015294 0.015294
547 bitcoin-cash decentraland -0.015555 0.015555
1444 dogecoin lisk 0.020131 0.020131
1460 enjincoin lisk -0.020163 0.020163
1894 dogecoin stratis -0.026796 0.026796
647 quant-network eos 0.027587 0.027587
1890 bitcoin stratis -0.033122 0.033122
103 eos binancecoin -0.039213 0.039213
1722 decentraland verge 0.041503 0.041503
317 binancecoin bitcoin-cash 0.041590 0.041590
581 stratis decentraland -0.042639 0.042639
1440 bitcoin lisk 0.043619 0.043619
949 dogecoin dash 0.043845 0.043845
734 eos nexo 0.044147 0.044147
947 binancecoin dash -0.047622 0.047622
914 eos enjincoin -0.047646 0.047646
825 bitcoin-cash-sv quant-network -0.048451 0.048451

As we can see, there are quite a few pairs of tokens that exhibit correlation of up to 5%. And there are even 6 pairs that have a correlation value of less than 1%. One such pair is Bitcoin and EOS, whose correlation is only $\approx 0.002$. This seems to make EOS a very good candidate to pair with bitcoin in order to achieve a higher degree of diversification. This is just one such pair that I mention though, and by no means I am giving here any sort of investment advice. In fact, I know about investing probably as much as I know about making ketchup. That is, I know what are the ingredients but I am lacking the experience in carrying out the recipe and there is a very high chance my ketchup wouldn’t taste very good. So feel free to play around with this code, explore the correlations on your own, and if you come up with some sensible strategy for your crypto investments thanks to it, then I am happy I could help :)

Finally, below I make a quick time series plot of Bitcoin, EOS and Nexo to see for myself the correlatedness/uncorrelatedness of those tokens.

# Create dates for the x-axis
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def datetime_range(start = None, end = None, interval = 1):
    span = end - start
    for i in range(0, span.days + 1, interval):
        yield start + timedelta(days = i)
today =
start = today - dt.timedelta(days = 2000)
xaxis = list(datetime_range(start, today, 200))
xaxis = [date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") for date in xaxis]
# Plot the price evolution of 
np.log(price_history["nexo"]).plot(color = "dodgerblue")
np.log(price_history["eos"]).plot(color = "darkorange")
np.log(price_history["bitcoin"]).plot(color = "gold")

import matplotlib.dates as mdates
plt.ylabel("Log Price")
plt.legend(["nexo", "eos", "bitcoin"])
plt.xticks(range(0, 2001, 200), xaxis, rotation = 45)


Final thoughts

As with every “little” coding exercise, this one also took longer than expected. But I have learned how to use the CoinGecko API and got the read a bit about the importance of diversifying one’s investment portfolio with uncorrelated investments. Moreover, I learned about new crypto tokens I wasn’t aware of and found out that not the whole crypto market moves un unison - which I suppose is a nice finding.